
How can we avoid a new nuclear arms race?

Mushroom cloud photo

NORSAR and the Nobel Peace Center invite you to a discussion, food, and mingling in connection with the 25th anniversary of Norway's ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty.

Time:12 Mar 2025 16:00 - 17:30 CEST
Place: Nobel Peace Center

The event will be held in Norwegian and a podcast will be available afterwards.


Every Wednesday, the Nobel Peace Center is open until 20:00, with half-price admission from 17:00. And every week, something exciting happens; topical discussions, lectures, film screenings, and themed tours. The events and tours of the exhibitions are included in the ticket, so if you visit us on Wednesday evening, you get extra value for your admission fee.

How can we prevent a new escalation of nuclear weapons?

What does the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty mean for international nuclear disarmament?

How can open and credible information flow prevent the potential use of nuclear weapons?

These are among the topics that the independent research foundation NORSAR is putting on the agenda in connection with the 25th anniversary of Norway's ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty last year, an international treaty that prohibits all nuclear test explosions. NORSAR monitors the treaty on behalf of the Norwegian authorities. The event is open to the public.

At the seminar, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will share experiences and perspectives, followed by a panel discussion with the following participants:

Portrait of Louise Dedichen, Kjølv Egeland, Henrik Urdal and Eskil Sivertsen
From the left: Louise Dedichen, Kjølv Egeland, Henrik Urdal and Eskil Sivertsen. Photo: Torgeir Haugaard/ Forsvaret | FFI | PRIO | NORSAR
  • Kjølv Egeland, senior researcher at NORSAR specializing in nuclear disarmament policy, verification, and international law.
  • Louise Dedichen, Rear Admiral atthe Military Mission in Brussels and the Norwegian military representative on NATO's Military Committee.
  • Eskil Grendahl Sivertsen, special advisor at the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) specializing in cognitive warfare and influence operations.
  • Henrik Urdal, director of the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO).

In connection with the event, NORSAR and the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) will launch a new research collaboration on the collection and analysis of data to document possible warcrimes in Ukraine.

Nobel Peace Talks

This event is included in the Nobel Peace Center’s event series Nobel Peace Talks, with topics related to the Nobel Peace Prize 2024 to Nihon Hidankyo.