Announcement of the Nobel Peace Prize 2022

Announcement 2021, The Norwegian Nobel Institute
© The Norwegian Nobel Institute. Photo: Geir Anders R. Ørslien 

On Friday 7 October a new Nobel Peace Prize laureate will be announced. The Nobel Peace Center will be screening the announcement live and marks the good news by releasing a peace dove.

Friday 7 October at exactly 11:00 am, the big door at the Norwegian Nobel Institute will open, and the chair of the Nobel Committee, Berit Reiss-Andersen will step out and deliver the news the whole world is waiting for: Who will be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for 2022?

The press conference at the Nobel Institute will be open to accredited media only. Please find more information here.

The Nobel Peace Center is screening the press conference and serving refreshments. At 12.00, our peace dove will fly from our windows, carrying the good news of the new laureate, and our director Kjersti Fløgstad will be available for comments. At 13:00, the photo of the new Nobel Peace Prize laureate will be revealed in the Nobel Field.

Nobel Field
Photo: Johannes Granseth/ Nobel Peace Center

10.00: Doors open. Free admission until 12.30

11.00: Press conference from the Norwegian Nobel Institute screened live.

12.00: The Peace Dove will fly from the windows above the Center, carrying the good news of the week, which this week is the news about the new Nobel Peace Prize laureate. CEO Kjersti Fløgstad will comment on the prize. (Photo op)

13.00: The installation the Nobel Field will be updated with a photo of the new laurate. (Photo op)


11.00: Doors open - free entrance all day.

12.00: The Nobel Diploma is revealed. Lecture by Berit Reiss-Andersen followed by a panel conversation about the Nobel Peace Prize 2022 (in English).

About the Nobel Peace Center

  • one of Norway's most visited museums, with more than 200.000 visitors per year, including school groups
  • presents the story of Alfred Nobel, the Nobel Peace Prize laureates and their work
  • is situated in the heart of Oslo, near the City Hall
  • Kjersti Fløgstad is the Executive Director, Olav Njølstad is Chair of the Board
  • Main partners are Hydro and Reitan Retail

Press contact

Tara Bamberg

Tara Bamberg

+47 455 04 573