
White Torture

Kiana Rahmani watches a snippet from the film "white torture" in the peace prize exhibition
Photo: Johannes Granseth / Nobel Peace Center

Sold out! NOBEL PEACE TALKS: Welcome to a film screening and conversation about the situation for political prisoners in Iran. “White Torture” is a documentary film by Nobel Peace Prize laureate Narges Mohammadi.

Time:28 Feb 2024 17:00 - 18:30 CEST
Place: The Nobel Peace Center

Narges Mohammadi, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for 2023, is incarcerated in Iran and has spent many months in isolation. This film, made while she was out of prison for a short period in 2021, tells the story about fellow prisoners and human rights activists who have experiences so called “white torture”. Isolation is a highly effective way to break down a person's psyche, without leaving any external physical marks. The film is a powerful and shocking testimony of the situation for political prisoners and activists in Iran.

We are showing a short version of the film, followed by a conversation with chair of Iran Human Rights Norway, Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam and the poet and activist Fatemeh Ekhtesari, who has herself spent time in solitary confinement. Dag Larsen from Norwegian PEN will moderate the conversation, which will be in Norwegian.

The Nobel Peace Prize exhibition WOMAN – LIFE – FREEDOM is open until 18:00 and the ticket includes entrance to the museum.

Narges Mohammadi portrait, the peace prize laureate of 2023

The event is co-hosted by Norwegian PEN and part of the series Nobel Peace Talks, exploring topics related to the Nobel Peace Prize 2023 to Narges Mohammadi.

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