
How can better dialogue change you?

Photo of Deeyah Kahn and Finn Skårderud

Film screening and conversation with Deeyah Khan, Finn Skårderud, Jeff Schoep and Arno Michaelis.

Time:19 Nov 2022 13:00 - 15:30
Place: Colosseum Cinema

On November 19, 2022, the Emmy-winning documentary filmmaker Deeyah Khan and the Nobel Peace Center hosted a truly unique event featuring a screening and discussions centered around the award-winning film "White Right: Meeting the Enemy."

For the Oslo event, Deeyah brought along Jeff Schoep, once the most notorious neo-Nazi in the United States, and Arno Michaelis, a former advocate for racial warfare and the vocalist of the race-metal band Centurion, together with Finn Skårderud, one of Norway’s most distinguished psychiatrists.

Watch the entire conversation below:

Screenshot from the movie White right: meeting the enemy
Screenshot from the movie "White right: Meeting the Enemy"

The event was supported by Hydro, Stiftelsen Flux, Microsoft Norge, KLP og Fritt Ord.