Duration: 20 min

What's this lesson about

During this lesson, students will get a quick introduction to Alfred Nobel, and learn about the Nobel Peace Prize.

Learning goals

  • Students will know who Alfred Nobel was
  • Students will know what the Nobel Peace Prize is.


  • Lesson slides
  • Student worksheet
  • Large poster paper for each student
  • Markers or Crayons
Cheat Sheet Alfred Nobel
Cheat Sheet Nobel Prize
Introduction to Alfred Nobel
Alfred Nobel


Introduce the Nobel Peace Prize:

  • Ask students to raise their hands if they have heard of the Nobel Peace Prize before.
    • If a majority of students have heard of the Nobel Peace Prize ask them what words/names they associate with the prize. Document their responses on a poster or on a board. Use the Alfred Nobel and Nobel Peace Prize slides to clarify facts.
    • If a majority of students have not heard of the Nobel Peace Prize ask them what they think the prize might be about. Use the Alfred Nobel and Nobel Peace Prize slides to clarify facts.
  • Ask students what a “laureate” is. Document answers.
  • Ask students if they can name laureates who have received the prize. Document answers.
  • Ask students to think about why it is important or special to receive a Nobel Peace Prize and ask them to share their thoughts.
  • Tell the students some basic facts about Alfred Nobel.
    • Born in Stocholm, Sweeden
    • Lived in 1800
    • Was an inventor
  • Show the students the animated video in the lesson slide, or you can find it on this website.
  • Summarize what the students remember about Alfred Nobel. Use the lesson slides and open the timeline and point out some of the facts they remember. (You may also read some key facts in the Cheat Sheets)

Ask students to share

  • What do they think was the most interesting about Alfred Nobel?
  • What do you think they needed the dynamite for in the 1800s?
  • Why do you think he wanted to use his money to give out prizes?
  • Do you remember what the five Nobel prizes are given out for?
  • Do you know where the prizes are given out? (Peace prize in Norway, the rest in Sweden)